Parole dal mondo

Agnus Dei

Agnus dei
(Lu 22.39-46; Heb. 5.1-9.28)

However white the wool, however spotless
no lamb nor goat can yield up blood to cleanse;
for blood, once spilled, grows thick and sticky yet smooth
to smear; it sets a stain indelibly.
If lamb’s blood cannot cleanse, then why would human?
Yet Jesus, we are told, once sweated blood
and pleaded with his Father: ‘If it be
your will then lift this blood-cup from me; your will, not mine,
be done.’

The Lord in his celestial holy
of holies wanted Jesus as both priest
and lamb to make one perfect sacrifice,
tortured his son as once both Abraham
and Isaac, this time without release, without
the ram caught in the thicket by his horns.
Somehow the blood of human sacrifice
that thickens on his limbs and cross is said
to wash us clean before the Lord, a just
necessity. Not all the oceans’ waters
can wash away that dark nor drown the stench.


Murray Alfredson

Murray Alfredson è un ex-bibliotecario, docente e socio buddista nel Multi-Faith Chaplaincy alla Flinders University, in Australia. Ha pubblicato saggi sulla meditazione buddista, sulle relazioni e le poetiche inter-religiose, poesie e traduzioni di poesia su riviste e antologie in Australia, Stati Uniti, Regno Unito, Svezia, Canada, e due raccolte, Nectar & Light in New Poets, 12, Adelaide: Friendly Street Poets e Wakefield Press, 2007; e The gleaming clouds, Brisbane, Interactive press, 2013.
È redattore di Ashvamegh, una rivista letteraria pubblicata a New Delhi, e co-curatore della quarantesima antologia annuale dei Friendly Street Poets: Many eyes, many voices, Adelaide, 2016.
Ha vinto l’High Beam Award per la poesia 2004, il Poetry Unhinged Multicultural Poetry Prize 2006, il premio Friendly Street Poets Political Poetry 2009, ed è stato nominato due volte per il premio Pushcart, nel 2009 e nel 2012.
Vive nella penisola di Fleurieu vicino al Golfo di St Vincent nell’ Australia del sud.