Parole dal mondo

Via negativa – inglese

for Paul Tillich

Our godless god, our one
no one, our all things small,
our no thing in particular,
our wind in the belfry
bronzed with fading praise,
remember, when my candles
offered up their shadows,
you were no god to me,
and so I turned instead
to the act of turning,
the prayer I offered up
as I looked down, each word
floating through my back.
And in my vigil, I saw
a bug on the carpet,
a sapphire of a creature,
as it scuttled, stopped, chose,
in faith, a new direction.
Spirit is cheap, I thought.
No. Cheaper. It’s free.
Its legs move the clockwork
in the great world machine
of small decisions, spiriting
from here to there, to nowhere
in the narrative scripture.
Back then I feared all
the wrong things and touched
the blue beneath the kettle.
The bigger I got, the tougher
the freedoms, the bluer the flame.
If only the future were
some beneficent tyrant.
How unbearably clear.
Instead I woke my father
to sweep the phantom insects
from my bed. It’s nothing,
he said. And with that,
I pulled my blanket, sealed
the dark in something darker.
Nothing, nothing echoed.
It still does. I have no father,
no earth but this. The path
into sleep is the same
long passage into morning.
I choose therefore I am
chosen, spoken. I speak.
Therefore I leave this ghost,
my voice’s voice, behind.



Bruce Bond

Bruce Bond è un poeta americano e professore di scrittura creativa presso l’Università del North Texas. Ha conseguito il Bachelor of Arts in lingua inglese presso il Pomona College e il Master of Arts in lingua inglese presso la Claremont Graduate School, come anche la laurea in Esecuzione Musicale presso la Lamont School of Music dell’Università di Denver. Ha lavorato per alcuni anni come chitarrista classico e jazz. Nel 1987 ha conseguito il dottorato di ricerca in inglese presso l’Università di Denver. Da allora, ha insegnato presso l’Università del Kansas, la Wichita State University, la Wilfrid Laurier University (Canada) e l’Università del North Texas dove è attualmente Professore di inglese ed editor di poesia presso l’American Literary Review.
Bruce Bond è autore di nove libri di poesia, tra i quali il più recente è Choir of the Wells: A Tetralogy (Etruscan, 2013), The Visible (LSU, 2012), Peal (Etruscan, 2009), Blind Rain (LSU, 2008). Altri due libri sono, inoltre, in uscita: The Other Sky (poesie scritte in collaborazione con il pittore Aron Wiesenfeld, introduzione di Stephen Dunn, Etruscan Press) e For the Lost Cathedral (LSU Press).
L’opera di Bond è stata pubblicata sul The Best American Poetry, The Yale Review, The Georgia Review, Raritan, The New Republic, Virginia Quarterly Review, Poetry, The Southern Review e molte altre riviste e antologie.

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