Parole dal mondo

Even Here

Even here    (ascolto della poesia recitata dall’autore)

Why does it not surprise, that even here, even now,
there are things that must be left unsaid.
That in the linked letters of our cursive fences,
we have found ourselves on the outside of ourselves.

Even here, alone in the one-roomed page, where
the light never goes off, these words are only pieces of our broken shadows.

There is a silverfish in our heart, leaving spaces where
there were things it was not correct to feel for, where our words are buried
in that deepening hole in the pages of the book of life
under the elegant sepulchre of poetry.

Even here, there are things that must not be spoken of,
and even that must be done beautifully.



Vladimir Lucien

Vladimir Lucien è uno scrittore e critico di St. Lucia. La sua opera è stata pubblicata in The Caribbean Review of Books, Wasafiri, Poetry Nation Review, e in altre riviste. Ha inoltre pubblicato, un’antologia di poesia intitolata Beyond Sangre Grande, edita da Cyril Dabydeen. La raccolta di poesie con la quale Vladimir Lucien ha debuttato, Sounding Ground è stata pubblicata nel maggio 2014 da Peepal Tree Press. Il suo lavoro nell’ambito dei Cultural Studies si focalizza sulle tradizioni spirituali sommerse dei Caraibi, in particolare dell’isola natìa di St. Lucia.

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